Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Forward, Ho!

I just have time for a quick note, but it is an important one — we met with an architect!

Last fall, Roy had taken a course from Rice University's School of Continuing Studies. It is a course we had long considered, and with me freed from daytime obligations with my May layoff, we planned for me to take it, starting in September. Only fate intervened, and I began working at a client site in downtown Houston in August! Drats!

So, we considered our options. Since Roy works from home on Tuesdays, we decided that he'd just take the time (10am-12noon for 6 weeks) to take the course and "reteach" it to me in the evenings. (Since he's paid hourly, he can do things like that.)

The whole point of that story is that this morning we met with the architect (also a Rice grad) who teaches that course each semester. We walked through both houses and he will start on a "big picture" design of the old house, with a few alternatives. We'll select a design based on "overall feel" (or something) so that we can get rough estimates from a few general contractors (to get an idea of the price we're looking at). Then we'll go back to him for a detailed plan (which type of cabinet goes where in the kitchen, etc.) that can be built from.

So, woohoo! Progress!

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