Sunday, June 13, 2010

In the beginning...

The modeling of the As-Built house is complete! Will sent us the file so that we can get comfortable with the Chief Architect Viewer software. (He said no one has ever asked him for the As-Built before - we suspect that this is only the 2nd instance of many firsts for them in our relationship!) The image above is looking into our kitchen from the north wall-you see the den (and one of the two ceiling fans in the den) on the left-along with the door to the hallway and the front bedroom door (which is closed in this picture) , the entire kitchen in the middle, and on the right, you see part of the "breakfast room" with the door to garage. You may need to click on the image to see the whole scene if you're on the blog. (We'll see what happens with the e-mailed version!)

It is interesting. There is a fairly steep learning curve, even for two technically competent folks like us. It would probably help if we had a tutorial - you want to do this, choose this tool and this setting. But, overall, we were able to navigate through the house, although sometimes we walked through the walls instead of the doors, if the door wouldn't "open" for us - I think this might be a rendering issue, I'm not sure. We think it will be a big help to visualize the new spaces, which Will will have populated with our actual furniture measurements (dining room table 48x87, sofa 40x86, etc.) so that it's a real house with our possessions and not just four walls and a door for each room with maybe a few stock furniture pieces.

If you are seriously considering using a 3-D design service and would like to play around with our house as-built and then the remodeled version, drop us an e-mail and we'll send you the files. For obvious reasons, we don't plan to post our floor plans to the web.

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